A quick google search shows that there are many, many great posts already covering the topic. However, to hone my skills, I decided to build it myself, from scratch.
Here’s what we will build:
To keep things simple and concise, we’ll start fresh with npx create-react-app dark-toggle . While we’re in our command line, let’s get the npm packages out of the way as well:
npm install styled-components styled-theming redux react-redux
This is a first draft of our App.js, displaying the title and a checkbox:
We need to tell our component(s) how to style themselves based on the current theme.
Luckily, styled-components has built-in theming support. You simply wrap your components with a ThemeProvider component and a theme prop is made available to all of them.
This is what our updated App.js looks like:
Notice something strange? The object we passed to the ThemeProvider ‘s theme prop doesn’t exactly look like a theme. This is where styled-theming comes in. Instead of passing an entire theme object here, we pass the Provider an object with a property ‘theme’. In our case, possible themes are light and dark.
This object is arbitrary though. For example, in a multi-branded app, you could pass an object with a property brand, or even combine both of them (to support light/dark modes per brand). Let’s implement both themes in our app:
Take a moment to appreciate the neatness of the theme-api that styled-theming offers:
export const backgroundColor = theme("theme", {
light: "#eff2f9",
dark: "#2d2d2d",
const Container = styled.div`
background-color: ${backgroundColor};
This api makes it dead-easy for components to alter their styling based on what theme(s) is/are currently active. Using our multi-branded example again, maintaining your different styles is a lot easier this way (plus, it is still entirely up to the component to style itself).
Change the theme you pass to the ThemeProvider to see the different styles:
Good, our ThemeProvider simply passes down a denotation (an object which we can construct however we see fit) to our components to tell them what styling is currently active.
Through a very clean theme api, our components decide what styling to apply, based on the object passed by the ThemeProvider. Now, on to the checkbox!
To implement the toggle-functionality, we need a place to store the currently selected theme and a means to toggle it. Ideally, this should be available throughout our application. This is where react-redux comes into play.
Admittedly, for our simple app, redux is very much overkill. However, I plan to use redux for my state-management later on in this app, so let’s roll with it now.
There are three things we need:
That’s easy enough:
To use this store, simply wrap your App component with a Provider from react-redux:
We need some way to connect the state in our redux store to the ThemeProvider wrapped around our app. To keep things clear, I’ve decided to introduce a separate provider which will handle just this.
Let’s take a closer look:
Let’s update App.js so that it uses our newly implemented DarkThemeProvider:
Great! Now all that is left, is to dispatch the TOGGLE_DARKTHEME action whenever the checkbox is clicked. To do this, I’ve refactored the checkbox into a separate component:
The DarkThemeToggle component pulls the required state from our store, again using the useSelector hook. We also use another hook from react-redux called useDispatch. Whenever our checkbox changes, we use this to dispatch the TOGGLE_DARKTHEME action.
Finally, this is what the application looks like:
There’s one last problem here though, and it’s a UX problem. Whenever I leave the page, it ‘forgets’ my preferred theme.
There are many ways to work around this, but I decided to store the selected theme in localStorage and rehydrate the redux store with it when the app launches.
The magic happens in the store.js file:
All done!
Thanks for reading! 👏
Implementing a dark theme toggle with react-redux and styled-components 💅 was originally published in Level Up Coding on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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