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Heads or Tails

We organized a kick off event for our Windows Insiders Community called OWIC. And talked about Open Source coding languages like ASP.NET Core, TypeScript & Angular2 and Reactive. We wanted to test our audience in a funny way if they where actually paying attention to our sessions. So we ...

Spread Operator

This blog post is mostly a mental note to myself. As I always forget the name of this sweet syntax of merging arrays and function parameter calls together in JavaScript. This is part of the new feature in Ecmascript2015. The main objective of the spread operator is to spread the ...

Debugging .NET Core Applications in Visual Studio Code

I've been using Visual Studio Code to develop my new .NET Core apps, and I've been running into a head-scratching issue when trying to debug my code. When setting a breakpoint and running the application, VSCode would tell me that it could not find my symbol files (PDB files). So ...

Angular2 OrderBy Pipeline

When you start building an Angular2 application you quickly notice that you are not able to find the OrderBy filter (pipeline directive). For example in the first version of Angular we could do something like this: <ul ng-repeat="friend in friends | filter:query | orderBy: 'name' "> <li> ...

Angular2 Barrels

When coding an Angular2 application you quickly notice that your import statements can become cumbersome. This is where Angular2 jumps in with their concept called 'Barrels'. In the documentation, a barrel is defined as: "A barrel is a way to rollup exports from several ES2015 modules into a single convenience ...

OWIC - Open Windows Insiders Community

What started out as a wild idea a couple years back is now racing into reality. Me and two co founders are starting OWIC! I'd like to write a post explaining what it is all about, and why you, as a developer, should be interested. How it all started 'Wouldn't ...

Learning Git

This is going to be a very short blogpost, but I just wanted to share some information about learning Git. When I started doing mobile app development with Xamarin about a year ago, I also needed to make the switch from TFS to Git. I never did a very large project with Git so the … Continue reading Learning Git → ...

TypeScript IntelliSense in VS2015

I love everything about being a front-end JavaScript developer; the flexibility of a dynamic language, the JavaScript syntax, the immediate result, etc. But I do have to admit there a couple of 'pains', especially when making application wide changes on huge projects. And I how do I miss IntelliSense support, ...

Getting your Windows.UI.Color from a HEX string

In my previous post I talked about how you could style the UWP status bar. Then I stumbled upon the fact that I like using hex colors. So here is my extension method which I use to get my Windows.UI.Color, feel free to use it as well! public ...

Universal Windows Platform styling status bar

Dealing with the Status Bar is pretty simple. Still you need to pay attention since the status bar is inheriting the color scheme based on your requested theme. So, you’ll need to make sure that there’s not a mismatch between your page background and your theme. Sow how ...

Details from a collection while debugging in Visual Studio

Show more specific information on your domain or dto object in a collection while debugging your C# code in visual studio ...

A honest review from a Surface Pro 4 owner

Finally after waiting for a long time on the release of the Surface Pro 4 (and getting my money together). I bought myself a Surface Pro 4 - 512 SSD / Intel Core i7 having 16gb of memory. And yes it comes with pen but without keyboard. In my opinion you ...

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